Hidden Pages

Bringing their exceptional expertise and insights to the Symposium are these three speakers.


Lois Kazakoff, Deputy Editorial Page Editor, San Francisco Chronicle, on how to write and get an op-ed opinion piece published.

LOIS KAZAKOFF is the deputy editorial page editor of the San Francisco Chronicle. She is responsible for the op-ed page, including the opinion editorials and the columnists, and the Sunday Insight commentary section. Previously, she served as a business writer and editor.

In 1997, she launched a campaign to begin presenting the newspaper’s stock tables in a more commonsense form: in dollars and cents instead of fractions. As a result, she was invited to testify before a congressional subcommittee in support of legislation to change the increments in which stocks were traded.

She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in French from the University of California at Santa Cruz and a Master of Science of Journalism degree from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. She is an avid cook, gardener, hiker and traveler. She lives in Benicia, California, with her husband and two cats.

Elayne Savage, Ph.D., leads a discussion on how to overcome internal and external barriers.

DR. ELAYNE SAVAGE is the expert on overcoming fear of rejection, disappointment and criticism. Her books on communication are published in 9 languages: 'Don't Take It Personally! The Art of Dealing with Rejection' and 'Breathing Room — Creating Space to Be a Couple.’

A professional speaker, she has over twenty-five years in relationship and workplace coaching, consulting, and training. She is licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist. 

Elayne has been published and quoted in Forbes, Real Simple Magazine, The Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, The London Guardian and BBC World News.

www.QueenofRejection.com | Blog: www.TipsFromTheQueenOfRejection.com

Michael Larsen, Larsen-Pomada Literary Agents, offers his industry- insider advice on how to develop a book idea and get it published.

MICHAEL LARSEN has been a partner in Larsen-Pomada Literary Agents since 1972. He represents nonfiction that will excite New York editors, and consults with nonfiction writers he can’t help as an agent. His agency has sold books to more than 100 publishers and imprints.

Mike wrote the fourth edition of How to Write a Book Proposal and the third edition of How to Get a Literary Agent. He coauthored the second edition of Guerrilla Marketing for Writers: 100 Weapons for Selling Your Work.

Mike Larsen and Elizabeth Pomada are co-directors of the Ninth San Francisco Writers Conference. They are members of the Association of Authors' Representatives (AAR).


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